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Significant market research and product development enables us to provide modern, eco-friendly, temperature controlled solutions. Blast freezing, tempering or cold storage, Blue Cube’s offering is the most efficient in the market, reducing operational costs, whilst delivering positive results to your business.

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Find out how renting our units helps your business

December 3, 2021 | Posted in News
Infographic from Blue Cube Portable Cold Stores illustrating principle benefits of renting units compared to outright purchase

Here at Blue Cube, we pride ourselves on offering the best temperature controlled storage solution for our client partners. The vast majority of these benefit from renting any of our portable cold stores, blast and tempering units, for a contract period that works best for their particular needs. 

Here are the principle advantages of renting your unit. 

  • greater flexibility
  • better financial planning 
  • superior quality of products 
  • seamless on-site integration
  •  meet your own sustainability goals.

We have also created this handy infographic that neatly illustrates why rental, rather than outright purchase, is so popular with our partners. 

Our ability to retro-fit and upgrade any previously rented unit at our own Service Depot to the very latest refrigeration and tech' is real asset for our client partners. All work will be carried out by our own experienced team of engineers.

Does outright purchase benefit your business operations better? With the tax incentives currently in place, we're here to guide you through this as well.

Would you like us to provide you with a quote? Please contact us today on 0333 320 26 20 or drop us a line on info@bluecubepcs.co.uk. We'll be delighted to help.

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