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How can we help you today? 0333 320 26 20

Significant market research and product development enables us to provide modern, eco-friendly, temperature controlled solutions. Blast freezing, tempering or cold storage, Blue Cube’s offering is the most efficient in the market, reducing operational costs, whilst delivering positive results to your business.

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UK Designed & Manufactured
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Eco-Friendly Products
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Advanced Live Diagnostics
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Superior Product Performance
Busy Blue Cube (PCS) Service Desk, Stafford, December 2022

Service & Technology

Our impressive portable cold storage and range of portable blast units and temperature controlled solutions are packed full of technology – all of which has been developed with the customer in mind.

Benefits include accessing the portable cold storage or blast freezers and chillers data remotely, where ever and whenever required; real time live diagnostics, including full visibility. This helps to maximise availability and uptime, positively and significantly impacting your businesses’ operational efficiency. Full access to our advanced package is included on any Smart Range unit we supply.

Key Features of our Remote Intelligence and Data Access Include;

-Blue Cube engineer dial-in for remote access, parameters and control actions; can be switched remotely to minimise down-time and speed up diagnosis

-Email alerts to unit alarms

-Temperature data & automated email reports

-Access to live status dashboard*

-Can be linked to partner monitoring service**

-Available on all brand new units

*Requires advanced data access package **Requires subscription to third party service

Find out more about our range of different solutions for your business on our products page!

In House Expertise

Our service desk, which is based at our Stafford office, monitors the performance of our units, part of our customer-first focus ethos. Assistance is on hand 24/7, 365 days of the year through our dedicated National Technical Support Team, which can be contacted on Turners and Co (Glasgow)

Our values underline everything we do at Blue Cube:

Quality Driven
All our engineers are F-GAS Certificated
Ensuring the highest possible standards of service
COld Chain Federation Member logo
Member of the Cold Chain Federation
Leading The Uk's Temperature-Controlled Logistics Industry
SafeContractor Approved logo
Safe Contractor Approved
You're in Safe hands