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How can we help you today? 0333 320 26 20

Significant market research and product development enables us to provide modern, eco-friendly, temperature controlled solutions. Blast freezing, tempering or cold storage, Blue Cube’s offering is the most efficient in the market, reducing operational costs, whilst delivering positive results to your business.

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UK Designed & Manufactured
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Eco-Friendly Products
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Advanced Live Diagnostics
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Superior Product Performance
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Blue Cube

Smart Hybrid Blast Units

Our exclusive Smart Hybrid blast chiller commercial range of units set the new standard for affordable, eco-friendly solutions perfect for any industry.

Blast Chiller Commercial
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Production capacity >33% higher
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Smart defrost system
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Advanced diagnostics included
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Lowest operating costs
Blast Unit Smart Hybrid Blast Unit being installed at a Blue Cube customer site, February 2022

The future is now

Customer-sourced data consistently report an increase in performance of at least 33%, often up to 40%. This equates to the equivalent of an additional 20 hours’ production time per week, hugely beneficial to any business operation.

Find out more about how we utilise customer data to verify our reports in this blog post , whilst full product information is available when you download the brochure.

Advanced Live Diagnostics included

All Smart Hybrid units are supplied with full access to our advanced live diagnostics package. Find out more about our approach on our dedicated Service and Technology page.

Rental terms that work for you

The vast majority of our customers benefit from renting their preferred units from us. Why not download our handy infographic to explore the principle benefits renting can provide your own business?  Key to our success is our willingness to be flexible, in terms of contract length and additional support. Find out by contacting the Blue Cube team here.

The Smart Hybrid units are reducing the time it takes to reach the required temperature by 40%. This greatly improves the efficiency of our own operations.”


Director of Manufacturing

Other Products

Blast Freezers Graphic

Portable Blast Freezers

Portable blast chillers and blast freezers. Commercial and industrial grade, high capacity freezing, cooling and temperature control.

Blue Cube (PCS) Ultra Holding Stores CGI

Holding Stores

Exclusive to Blue Cube, our Holding Stores refrigerated containers are up to four times more energy efficient compared to existing alternatives.

Blue Cube (PCS) van in company livery, on a customer site, June 2022

Bespoke Builds

Our expert team work collaboratively with all parties to bring your cold storage facilities needs to life.

Blue Cube (PCS) CGI image of one of its portable cold stores and tempering units

Tempering Units

All cold store units have a Global Warming Potential (GWP) 53% lower, benefiting from our on-going commitment to upgrading R404a refrigerant to super efficient R449a.

Our values underline everything we do at Blue Cube:

Quality Driven
All our engineers are F-GAS Certificated
Ensuring the highest possible standards of service
COld Chain Federation Member logo
Member of the Cold Chain Federation
Leading The Uk's Temperature-Controlled Logistics Industry
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Safe Contractor Approved
You're in Safe hands