Under a strength of sun more associated with Spain than South Wales, Blue Cube proudly sponsored and attended the Cold Chain Federation's leading summer event, the Cold Chain Cup yesterday (14th July 2022).
Cold Chain Industry unites
Held at the stunning Celtic Manor Resort near Newport, this was the Cold Chain Federation's first summer event since Covid restrictions fully eased. A combination of this and the on-going proactive support the Federation continues to provide all members and the industry it represents, ensured that the event was superbly attended, with over 120 individuals from the UK's leading cold chain and associated industries.
The event was split between a full round of golf on one of the Resort's famous courses. The goody bags and on-course sponsorship was something Blue Cube was proud to support. Our previous and current MDs, Steve and Alan combined perfectly to do the business proud, even though the extra branded golf balls we supplied came in use!
The remaining people, including our UK Sales Manager Lisa, BDM for the North Kayla and Marketing Manager Pete enthusiastically participated in a range of three activities that the Cold Chain Federation had introduced this year for the first time: Archery, Laser Clay Shooting and Crazy Golf. Our team was ably (more ably) abetted by both the Cold Chain Federation's and Blue Cube's charity partner, Transaid, represented by Head of Fundraising Florence. It is Transaid Alan and Pete will be raising money for by participating in September's Hadrian's Wall Challenge, for which you can donate here.
Throughout the day, there was amble opportunity for industry leaders and members to socialise, with many catching up in person for the first time since the Pandemic.
Blue Cube's Ultra Range hits the mark
The event concluded with a buffet and drinks and more social networking, with the drinks, perhaps rather aptly, also being sponsored by Blue Cube! Many of the industry were naturally keen to understand more about our own exclusive range of Ultra Smart Hybrid and Holding Stores, a particularly pertinent product given the on-going energy costs all businesses are experiencing at present.
Blossoming partnership
The whole Blue Cube team would like to extend our thanks to the Cold Chain Federation, in particular the CEO Shane, Head of Policy Tom and Marketing Manager Jane, who was doing a superb job ensuring everyone else was enjoying themselves!
We have exciting plans to further strengthen our partnership with the Cold Chain Federation, which we will reveal after their flagship Cold Chain Live event in September. We will see many of you at that event as well.