An event for our time.
The Cold Chain Federation's inaugural Cold Chain Live! was a well planned, superbly delivered day. The event brought together the cold chain and associated industries from across the world for an action packed day full of insight, lively debate and networking.
Cold Chain Live! was expertly hosted by Sameena Ali Khan, with a particularly well received keynote speech delivered by Lord Deben, Chairman of the Climate Change Committee. It is clear that the cold chain has made a great deal of progress in becoming more sustainable. However, it is also clear that everyone needs to act now if we are to avert from the worst excesses of climate change.
Blue Cube at the heart of the debate on sustainability.
It was therefore a pleasure that our very own MD Alan was invited to participate in one of the three dedicated breakout areas, The Energy Zone and its "The Net Zero Cold Store-Myth or Reality?" debate. You can see some of Alan's responses over on our Vimeo channel. Suffice to say that it was a healthy, constructive debate with a universal acceptance of Lord Deben's earlier progress report.
Meeting people again in person? So 2022. Thankfully.
In a real throwback to the pre-Pandemic years, face-to-face networking was once again being embraced enthusiastically. The Blue Cube team were discussing our Ultra Range of Smart Hybrid blast units and holding stores. These have taken the market by storm since officially being launched back in the spring.
Sadly, the second day was rightly cancelled due to the passing of Her Majesty. However, based on the success of the first day, it's clear Cold Chain Live! is going to become an important event for our industry. Keep an eye out across our socials for updates on our continued support of the Cold Chain Federation.